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Along with lac cultivation villagers also do primary processing of the Stick lac/ Scraplac obtained from Kusum, Palash, Ber trees in the established processing centers of the States. This processed lac is durable. Stick Lac/Scrap lac cannot be stored for a long time so by lac processing scrap lac is processed as Dana Lac because it can be stored / kept by villagers for 3-4 years for a long time until their is an appropriate market value. One established Lac Processing unit has a capacity to process 100 kg of Scrap Lac in one day. At least four labours are required for Lac Processing work. Activities like crushing, grading and winnowing work is done due to which in each processing unit processing of 70 kg. of raw lac can be processed in 8 hours, during this activity first of all lac is crushed in the lac crushing machine approximately 8 to 10 hole in a inch. After crushing this lac is placed in washing machine in which 4.25 kg. of caustic soda mixed with per kilogram lac & washed with water. After washing one inch thick layer of lac is spread on solid floor for drying, the place should be shaded and full of air with less sunlight. Drying of lac can be done approximately in a day. When the lac is completely dried than this lac is placed in Osai machine in which the unwanted material is removed and then it is placed in lac grader in which three types of filters 8 mash, 10 mash and 12 mash is present through which lac grading can be done. After grading Seed Lac is received as final product. By this method 600 - 700 gm of seed lac can be received from one kilogram of scrap lac. Villager also gets employment by such kind of processing work.