Chhattisgarh State is very rich in biodiversity point of view. Various types of minor Forest Produce are available in abundant amount in the Forest area and its nearby places. Collection, Processing and Value addition activities are important parts of livelihood of villagers. Traditionally lac cultivation is done in the state. In the State lac cultivation work is done in the naturally growing tree i.e. on Kusum, Palash and Ber host trees with less effort and capital. Traditional method of lac cultivation is innovated by scientific method of lac cultivation. From initial stage of Project to year 2017 -18 different lac projects was going in the Federation under various scheme like Lac Development project, European Commission project, TRIFED project and by the 15 % fund recieved from the net profit of Tendu leaves 183 microenterprise was sanctioned in which 55616 beneficiaries are doing lac cultivation through 1254037 host trees of Kusum, Palash & Ber. Previously lac beneficiaries/ Master trainers are trained at Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi by lac specialist for scientific cultivation of lac. By special effort of Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Federation has established State level Lac Training & Extension centre at Makri, Kanker. After above establishment year 2013 to till now 302 number of Master Trainers / lac cultivators are trained and beneficiaries are also trained at field level under sanctioned projects for their skill development.
Lac is used for making medicine, conservation of food products, electric nonconductor, varnish / polish, decorative and cosmetic products. Lac and its product is eco-friendly this is the reason it production is being promoted.